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Emily Windler is an actor, clown, and opera singer who has been creating original work and touring around the country since 2011, until finally becoming a permanent resident of Portland in 2016. She has performed in productions in Portland and across North America, such as The Middle of Everywhere (WONDERHEADS - Portland, OR), Blue Lake Opera (Dell'Arte Company - Blue Lake, CA), The Addams Family Musical (Broadway Rose - Tigard, OR), Adventures of Vanessa Goodwin (Action/Adventure Theatre - Portland, OR), and Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Hansom Cab Killer (Black Sheep Theatre - Ottawa, Ontario).

Emily has an MFA equivalent in Ensemble Based Physical Theatre from Dell'Arte International School of Physical Theatre, where she trained in the devising of original physical theatre. She spent three years in rural Northern California at Dell'Arte International learning the ins and outs of ensemble building, creating, and performing - including styles such as Mask performance, Commedia dell’Arte, and Clown – all through the lens of community engagement. Wanting to continue the development of unexpected and imaginative theatre, she joined forces with fellow Dell’Arte grad, Brian Kuwabara, in 2011 and co-founded GRUMBLE Productions, a physical theatre company devoted to the seriousness of comedy. She also began touring with WONDERHEADS, a full-face mask physical theatre company, in 2011 and was a co-creator, performer, and Associate Head with the company until 2016.

In the nine years since graduating Dell’Arte, Emily have created, written, and performed six original physical theatre productions, ranging from solo to ensemble-devised shows with several of them touring internationally.

Emily is from Albuquerque, NM and now lives in Portland, OR.